How it works

  • Partner associations pay a one-time membership fee of $50 to register for the DHR scheme.
  • Self online registration on our user-friendly website
  • Partner associations register members using their membership portal on the DHRlife website.
  • Regular membership (Canadian Residents) has a 30 days probation period while visitor membership becomes active immediately upon registration.
  • Members can only register through Partner associations.
  • The sum of $16000 is paid to the next of kin in the event of the death of a member. Until the subscription attains 1000 active members, the death benefit shall be $5000.
  • This amount is intended to assist with funeral expenses and transportation of remains including an accompanying family member(s) to their final resting place.
  • Regular members are covered if death occurs anywhere while visitor members are only covered if death occurs within Canada.
  • Parent members are covered in Canada and the USA.
  • DHRLife assists member family with funeral arrangements and/or repatriation procedures.
  • We condole with the bereaved family during trying times and disbursed funds 72hours after the official death announcement.